Friday 10 February 2012

More snow and my favourite item this week

Just as the last bits of snow started to melt away a new downpour of snow came this morning :). I love waking up early when all the snow is untouched and perfect and there are no footprints. Snow makes everything look so beautiful and fresh.

My favourite item in my shop for this week are these vintage style bird earrings. They remind me of my little sister. When my little sister she was about 5 years old asked my mother for a pet blue tit! My mother had set up bird nesting boxes in the part of the garden which backed onto the woods so we had lots of blue tits visiting the garden and nesting in our boxes. My little sister's bedroom looks over the garden so she had been watching the birds and was fascinated by them. I remember my mother trying to explain to her why she could have a pet blue tit and how they prefered to be outside. Instead we bought her a small photograph of a blue tit and also a blue tit ornament which when she was younger was her most treasured possesion!
 They have recently been included in this beautiful bird themed treasury list :) I really love the cherry blossom wedding shoes that have been featured.

For these earrings and other bird and vintage style earring please take a look at my shop.

The Dorothy Days (Vintage and Handmade)

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